About japanese translations

HellSlave is don't support japanese translations as of August 10, 2024.

But, I tried japanese translation because I want to play personally.
You can play the game to japanese translation version, on use to my translation files.

This is "Same as usual" a super translate to japanese version.

This translation file (utano's version translation files) is compatible with game version 1.4 (maybe) until August 10, 2024 game data.

How to download Japanese translation files (Utano's translation version)

Japanese translation files for "HellSlave" download link ( google drive: author Utano Schell)

That file is zip compress.

When you try unzipped:

folder of "Item_name_EN",
folder of "Item_name_JP",
and readme.txt

you will find it there.

Files information

Each folders have:

  • DungeonsCN.ini
  • InterfaceCN.ini
  • MissionCN.ini
  • PowersObjectsCN.ini

contains the above four files.

Place (overwrite) these four files in the data folder under the HellSlave installation folder in the Steam folder.

Don't forget to back up your original files.

How to install Japanese translation files and use to Japanese in the game world.

Data folder of "HellSlave" is:

Your drive:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hellslave\Data

You find it (maybe).

Japaneseization is done by overwriting the Simplified Chinese files in the game.

After applying the Japaneseization file, select Simplified Chinese (Chinese flag icon) in the language options.

About the volunteers' Japanese translation files

My translation files is on the base of the volunteers' japanese translation files. About volunteers' japanese translation files is that follow link:ばんちゃんのゲーム情報局.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude.

If you want to try to play the game on base japanese translation files, you can download that files from mentioned above site link.

The usage is almost the same as my file.

The different point of volunteer's Japanese translation and my Japanese translation.

HellSlave's developers are based in France, and its native language is French.

It seems that the volunteer's Japanese translation file is translated into Japanese based on the English translation (this is just a guess), Therefore, there are some nuances.

My Japaneseization file (Utano's version) is translated from the original French, which makes it even MORE CHAOTIC.( ゚Д゚)

Problems with Japaneseization

In some languages, unlike Japanese, the words change depending on gender, and sometimes you can understand a person is male or female from just one word.

e.g.: druide >> male, druidess >> female
( In Japanese, both men and women are called "druide." )

For this reason, there are parts of the translation that intentionally ignore gender.

e.g: please, talk to the druidess. >> please, talk to the druid.

In the original text, there are many parts that clearly mean "female...", however, if feeling of the Japanization seems a little strange, it has been deleted.

This change due to gender is just one example, and since I personally think it is impossible to completely translate a some language into Japanese, I will use the "same as usual a super translation to japanese version" for that matter.

Problems due to cultural

This is because the motif of HellSlave is rooted in religious views such as heaven, hell, the Satan, and God.

Just one example "Je veux que son sang arrose le sel de la steppe ! " there is a dialogue sentence (original text is French).

The English (official translation) is "I want his blood to spill on the salt of the steppe !".

The literal translation (machine translation) is "I want to spill his blood on the salt of the grassland !"

Now, the simplified Chinese (official translation) is "我要他的血洒在草原上!"

The literal translation (machine translation) is "I want his blood to be sprinkled on the grassland !", It's almost the same as the literal translation in English, but the word "salt" has gone somewhere.

Well, my translation version take to mean on this original text is,

" Make their hopes bloody ! " ( I don't know if it's correct, because it's a super translation of Japanese version ).

" What? It's different from the original !? "

If you think so, it's correct. The original phrase "le sel de la steppe" can be interpreted as "salt of steppe" or "steppe of salt", however there is a passage in the Bible (the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, verse 13) that says this.

" le sel de la terre " (French), The English is " the salt of the earth ", it's mean "the salt", In the Bible "Those who follow the words of Jesus are as precious as the salt of the earth" It is used like this, "the salt of the earth" is means "a person who is good and serves as a social norm".

" le sel de la steppe '' is ( I think ) the part of "terre" changed with "steppe". and its means "precious person on steppe", in other words "leader of steppe".

So, "I want blood to spill in leader of steppe" = "bloody" = "want to kill".

From the mood before and after the line, I changed the phrase " the leader of the grassland people '' to " the hope of them (the grassland people) ".

If you're an English speaker in a Christian world, you might be able to understand it by saying "the salt of the steppe".

Simplified characters already have a completely different meaning.

There are some scenes that are difficult to translate unless translator understand the cultural background and in-game settings.

So even if there are strange lines or explanations, PLEASE play with an open mind. (`・ω・´)

Problems due to game system (with user interface).

There are various restrictions on the so-called UI (user interface), where text and characters are used on the game screen.

One of the problems is the character limit.

Since the game screen cannot be made infinitely wide, the characters are cut off (overflowing or cut off) after a certain length or number of lines.

Therefore, when considering the number of characters to be displayed, translator are forced to reduce the number of characters (change the words and phrases) to fit on the screen.

In the case of Japanese, there are kanji, so it's not that difficult, but if it's difficult to use a literal translation to express something in Japanese, the only way to get by is to use a super-translation to japanese (another word with a roughly similar meaning).

e.g.: "Cuirasse luciférienne" is literal translation “the breastplate of the believers in Lucifer” ? "The Lucifer's breastplate", still a long ( doesn't fit in the frame )
"The Lucifer's armor", that was close (overflow with one character)
"Lucifer's armor", that will do (;・∀・)

It depends on the system, but in the case of logograms, words are separated by a space, so even if a line break occurs there, it doesn't feel that bad (I'm sorry for my personal feeling).

However, in the case of a language that includes phonetic characters like Japanese, line breaks are inserted in the middle of sentences or words, which is fine as long as it feels strange, but in some cases, the meaning of the sentence it self may change.

Therefore, I try to keep the length of characters without line breaks into frame width.

As a result, as in the example above, the text may be far removed from the original text (although the meaning is understandable).

Problems due to picky about lore-friendly.

"Lore-friendly" means that the content does not destroy the mood of the original work as much as possible.

It's safe to say that there is no correct answer to this question, as it is highly influenced by personal preferences and ways of thinking, but personally, I place great importance on "does not reduce the sense of immersion while playing".

For example, a female character may speak in a man's language, or a noble may speak like a commoner.

It feels a little strange, but I can't get immersed in the game world I try careful to minimize such areas.

As a result, some parts of the translation may be far removed from the original text (especially dialogue).

If the translation is not accepted, you may want to switch to a volunteer Japanese translation file, or you may want to modify the translation yourself at this time.

HellSlave language file is a simple text file, so you can easily edit it. Please try it.

The language file contains all the lines and stories in the game. If you look into it, you will almost certainly get spoilers, so I recommend finish the game it once before reading it.

I worked on it for my own enjoyment, but I hope someone will be impressed. (`・ω・´)

Last edited: 2024-09-16 23:05